Combined funds from all three levels of government will deliver over $700,000 to the Municipality of Saint-Fortunat for upgrades to the drinking water treatment and supply system. The municipality has been under a permanent boil-water advisory since 2002.

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Pablo Rodriguez and Quebec Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks, Laurent Lessard, made the announcement on January 15, 2016. The community will receive $205,344 from the federal Gas Tax Fund and $502,392 from the Quebec Municipal Infrastructure Program.

The project involves upgrading the drinking water treatment and supply system by installing a groundwater well, constructing a new service facility with a chlorination and manganese removal disinfection system, adding pipelines to the new facility as well as new supply lines, and remedial work to the existing drinking water reservoir.

“The Government of Canada is proud to have partnered with Quebec to improve the drinking water treatment and supply system in St. Fortunat. We are determined to build solid relationships with our municipal and provincial partners to contribute to the development of strong communities across the country and to improve the quality of life of all Canadians through investments in public infrastructure,” said Rodriguez.

“I am delighted by the financial support from the Government of Quebec announced today for upgrades to the drinking water treatment and supply system in Saint-Fortunat,” said Minister Lessard.

“This investment demonstrates our government’s commitment to providing high-quality community facilities. Thanks to this upgrade project, the Municipality of Saint-Fortunat will be able to ensure better water management in addition to ensuring strong, sustainable infrastructure, a healthier environment and better public services for residents of the community.”

There are currently 120 communities in Quebec with either a ‘boil water’ or ‘do not consume’ advisory according to WATER TODAY.


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